Why should you subscribe to The Pocket?

I assure you, It’s better than Doraemon’s pocket. Here’s what it’s about, and why you should subscribe:

  1. Amidst so much knowledge and information, I wanted to create a space where one can read my reflections, learnings around workplace, culture and personal growth which helps you not just learn but most importantly, think.

  2. I love sharing stories, if you love some too, you’re at the right place.

  3. This is not another newsletter where I spam your inbox, I write once a month.

  4. One theme, one mail. No jumbo mumbo.

If you’re interested in reading, why I started with the pocket, read on:

The Pocket
Why did I steal Doraemon's pocket?
First off welcome to The Pocket by me, Dravisha 👋. Yes, I stole it from Doraemon and made it mine. *wink-wink* It’s not expert advice. Not magic trinkle, but stories, learnings, failures. I write on marketing, early product growth, startups, life lessons, and bad philosophy…
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Subscribe to The Pocket

Not expert advice. Not magic trinkle, but I explore one theme each month around workplace, culture, personal growth from my reflections, learnings and failures.


Not expert advice. Not magic trinkle, but I explore one theme each month around workplace, culture, personal growth from my reflections, learnings and failures.